Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day 1 in Deutschland

OK. I've read so many other blogs and it seems everyone I know has one. Angi told me to start one a year ago and I wouldn't. She started this one for me in hopes that I would take over. I didn't. At least until now. So, if anyone is interested in what Angi and I are up to, stay tuned.

Angi and I just made our way to Stuttgart, Germany for the Holidays. We're visiting her family and she is on cloud nine. She was in the kitchen all afternoon baking cookies with her mother. I thought it was a perfect time for me to slip out for a bike ride. I learned not to trust It was suppose to be 39 degrees F. The water froze in my bottles and the frost on fields never melted. I'm guessing it was colder than 39.

Here is my proof. Me leaving the driveway. I was still relatively warm at this point.

Here is Angi's proof. The yummy cookies in the oven. Of course I tried a few. When she saw me she decided to hide the rest so there'll be some left for Christmas. Busted!

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